Underwater Macro Workshop Amed, Tulamben FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the workshops aimed at?

Our workshops cater to both new photographers and those who want to enhance their skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, our workshops provide valuable learning experiences. We cover advanced techniques during the workshops, making them informative for all skill levels.

Are the lessons too advanced for brand new photographers?

Not at all! Our workshops start with the basics and gradually introduce more advanced techniques throughout the week. If you have any difficulties, we’re always available for one-on-one assistance to ensure everyone grasps the theory.

What can I learn from the workshop if I already understand the basics?

Even if you’re familiar with the basics, our workshops offer benefits. We cover essential topics like f-stops, shutter speeds, and composition techniques. For advanced photographers, there’s personalized underwater time with instructors, image reviews, and group discussions.

Can I have my photos critiqued after a day of shooting?

Certainly! Instructors make themselves available for one-on-one critiquing and questions before dinner each day.

Is there anything beyond classroom sessions during the week?

Absolutely! We maintain a lighthearted yet educational atmosphere. Evening slideshows and videos add entertainment, and there’s ample time for camera work, photo editing, and relaxation.

Can I have my photos critiqued after a day of shooting?

Certainly! Instructors make themselves available for one-on-one critiquing and questions before dinner each day.

Can I join the workshop without a dive buddy?

Yes! We dive in small groups (2 divers per guide)with plenty of dive guides, ensuring a favorable ratio of participants to spotter.

Do I need a laptop?

A laptop is preferred for each participant. Adobe Lightroom is a valuable tool during workshops, as we discuss editing techniques. We will provide 2 computers but there won’t be enough for everyone. If you don’t plan on bringing one, ask us to make sure that we’ll have one for you.

What equipment do i need for the workshop?

When it comes to participating in a photography workshop, having the right equipment can enhance your experience. Here are some recommendations:

Camera: it is recommended to have a camera that offers manual settings, but even a compact like the TG-6 will be a good start.
Essential Gear:
Macro Diopter: Consider investing in a macro diopter. It’s useful for close-up shots and exploring details.
Strobe (Flash): Having at least one strobe (flash) can significantly improve your lighting options.
Optional Gear:
Second Strobe: If possible, a second strobe provides more creative lighting possibilities.
Snoot: It’s a great addition and will help you to make stunning images.

Do I need my diving gear?

No, it’s not an obligation. If you prefer to travel light, we’ll provide it for you.

Is it suitability for Open Water Divers:

Our photo workshops cater to divers of all levels. However, we recommend that individuals embarking on the path of underwater photography possess strong buoyancy skills. Carrying a camera underwater and approaching subjects near fragile corals requires precise buoyancy control—a prerequisite before using a camera underwater.

Is there internet Access:

Yes, we provide decent internet at the dive center and your room. Don’t expect lightning fast download and upload but the basics will be covered.

underwater macro workshop october 5 to 23 2024
Muck Diving in Tulamben Bali
Muck Diving in Tulamben Bali

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